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Green Fun Store News

Florida students get a look at farm life

Posted by Green Fun Store on 10/28/2010 to Yard & Garden
Third graders in Florida had a chance to experience a bit of farm life through a program at the Highlands County Fairgrounds.

According to the Highlands Today newspaper, 14 stations feature a variety of farm life activities, including making honey or learning about citrus fruit. At one stop, Austin Bryant gave a presentation about ornamental horticulture.

"That's why we are here, to make sure our industry is seen in positive manner for the next generation coming up," Bryant told the Highlands Today.

The program is offered for free to public, private and home-schooled students in the state. The paper said donations and help from volunteers makes the gratis presentations possible.

Agricultural education is become more popular in classrooms across the country. This includes encouraging students to grow their own gardens, the fruits of which are used to supplement school lunches.

Even the White House has gotten into the act, as first lady Michelle Obama is encouraging young people to engage in exercise and partake in a healthier diet. She has also been tending to a garden to set an example.