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Green Fun Store News

Farm life safety program offered across the country

Posted by Green Fun Store on 11/3/2010 to Farm Lifestyle
Safety is an important aspect of farm life, especially when it concerns children in rural and agricultural areas.

This year is the 16th time in the U.S. the Progressive Agriculture Foundation is holding its Safety Days events, which is sponsored in part by John Deere. These educational sessions are being held across the country and give younger students the chance to learn how to be injury-free while on a farm.

A number of Midwestern states will feature Safety Days Events, including those being held at the start of November in Illinois and Iowa. During the training events, students learn about a wide range of topics, including farm and lawn equipment.

The farm-life program is set up to cater to 8- to 13-year-old students, although some of the events offer educational outreach to a younger crowd. During the events, attendants are divided up into smaller groups, which are led by adults and teen volunteers.

While children who take part in farm life will benefit from keeping an eye on their own safety, adults have a responsibility to do so as well. Those driving ag equipment should ensure they know if young people are nearby.