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Students at local college learn about farm life by working on the land

Posted by Green Fun Store on 11/30/2010 to Farm Lifestyle
Students studying agriculture at Southeast Community College in Beatrice, Nebraska rise every morning and get to experience farm life in a different way from other college kids. While their peers sleep in their warm beds, as part of their curriculum, agricultural students work with livestock or crops, learning from experts and honing their skills.

Farm life can be demanding and these students know it better than most. Rachel Brejcha, a student at the school, said that she was enjoying the supplemental learning, telling the Fremont Tribune that while "it's been mostly classroom stuff," to that point, she was able to work with horses on the school's farmland, worming them with help from her professor.

Just next door, students in another farming class learned to both weigh animals and determine feed procedures. Eric Kielian, a student in charge of recording the weights, affirms that the process allows the students to see "how fast they're growing and we also ear tag them to keep track of them." The class instructor, Justin Benz, believes that the students "enjoy actually getting out and working with the livestock."

The school expects that the interactive agricultural lessons will better prepare its students for a farm life that is increasingly competitive and reliant on technology.