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Green Fun Store News

New lines of products offered by John Deere

Posted by Green Fun Store on 8/30/2010
John Deere recently announced a slew of new products and services it is offering, which include advancements in machinery and technology.

For example, new precision agriculture offerings include the StarFire 3000 GNSS Receiver. It offers farmers the ability to start up their GPS-based farm tools more quickly, the company said, while also needing less time to pick up a lost satellite signal.

John Deere also announced new versions of its 8R tractor series. The new models offer increased horsepower when compared to this year's editions. Those who purchase these machines will also be given a free year of JDLink Ultimate Service and Service ADVISOR Remote.

Those systems provide farmers the ability to remotely send performance data via the internet or a mobile device.

While it is making new products available, John Deere is also putting some money back into its production capabilities in both the U.S. and abroad. A foundry in Waterloo, Iowa, is getting the company's attention, while a new site has been opened in Russia.

John Deere is planning on opening a new facility in India that will produce tractors designed specifically for farmers in that country as well.ADNFCR-3425-ID-19932808-ADNFCR