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Green Fun Store News

1972 John Deere tractor brings in record bid

Posted by Green Fun Store on 3/30/2011 to Farm Lifestyle
A 1972 John Deere tractor brought in a record bid of $23,250 at a recent North Carolina auction, according to Tide Water News.

Verner Joyner, original owner of the tractor, paid $8,980 for the trailer more than 38 years ago and has used it ever since. Once the tractor was put up for bidding, the auction house received calls from across the country from interested buyers.

"Well, we thought the tractor was going to do well, and we had a lot of interest in it, but we didn’t realize it would be that much interest," Richard Vaughan, head of the auction house, told the news outlet. "Once it passed a certain figure, you know I thought, ‘Well, this is a rare tractor.'"

Bidding for the machine began at $4,000 and steadily went up from there. The tractor had a constant flow of bids up until it hit $15,000 or so, until bidders slowly dwindled down and the finally bidding price was given.

While this 1972 won't do much to help Ag life for its new buyer, it sure will look nice as a part of their collection.  